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Legal notices
The present conditions of sale are concluded on the one hand by simplified limited liability company JEMADE with a capital of 30.000 euros whose head office is located at 96 avenue de la République in Paris (75) registered at the register of trade and companies of Paris (France) under the number 88177848400017 - contact@maradji.com - +33 (0)766668708, hereafter called Maradji, and on the other hand, by any individual or legal entity wishing to proceed to a purchase via the Maradji website, hereafter called the buyer.
Users of this site are required to respect the law and in particular the provisions of the Data Protection Act, the violation of which is punishable by law. They must in particular refrain, with regard to the information they access, any collection, capture, distortion or use and in general any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of persons. The users are informed, in accordance with the provisions of the Data-processing law and freedoms that they have a right of access and correction relating to the information concerning them with simplified limited liability company JEMADE.
The general structure, as well as the texts, images and sounds composing this site are the property of simplified limited liability company JEMADE. Any total or partial representation of this site or of one or more of its components, by any process whatsoever, without the express authorisation of simplified limited liability company JEMADE is forbidden and would constitute a counterfeit sanctioned by articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
Simplified limited liability company JEMADE cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions in the texts and illustrations of the site. All information can be subject to modifications and deletions without notice.
The hypertext links set up within the framework of the present website towards other sites present on the internet network cannot engage the responsibility of simplified limited liability company JEMADE.
In no case, simplified limited liability company JEMADE will be held responsible for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this website or other sites that are directly or indirectly linked to it.
Website design
Maradji.com was created by Nateev, a web agency specializing in the creation of custom websites.
Contact / https://www.nateev.fr
Hosting agency
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59100 Roubaix