Black Friday

From 29 November to 1 December 2024, take advantage of up to 60% off a wide selection of bags and small leather goods. Don't wait any longer to treat yourself.




Ulysse Pink Velvet
Ulysse Pink Velvet
Added to my wishlist
Stars Purple
Added to my wishlist
Oscar Velvet Pink
Oscar Velvet Pink
Added to my wishlist
Oscar Velvet Green
Oscar Velvet Green
Added to my wishlist
Misha Honey
Misha Honey
Added to my wishlist
Oscar Velvet Honey
Oscar Velvet Honey
Added to my wishlist
Mia Velvet Pink
Mia Velvet Pink
Added to my wishlist
Loti Lin
Loti Lin
Added to my wishlist
Léo Black Leather
Léo Black Leather
Added to my wishlist
Charlie Balkans Navy
Charlie Balkans Navy
Added to my wishlist
Annetta pink
Annetta pink
Added to my wishlist
68 €
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women's cognac handbags
It's back again!

Here it is, just in time for the festive season! Slide the Marlon bag under the tree. 🎁
